NineSmart成功舉辦的研討會 - 探討雲端和智能技術在地產科技的創新應用

The seminar titled “Speeding into Property Innovation: Powerful Cloud & Smart Technology” took place last..

介紹NineSmart Solution (NSS) 的最新功能及方案演示短片

NineSmart has released a new video showcasing the new features of our NineSmart Solution (NSS)...

強大雲端和智能技術 實現全方位智慧物業管理

Introduction The right prop-tech solutions help you replicate optimized workflows for growth. We all know..

物業科技解決方案供應商NineSmart推出Smart Residence智能住宅方案

NineSmart Limited is proud to announce the launch of Smart Residence, a contactless access and..

與 NineSmart 一起參加 InnoEx 展覽 - 亞洲領先的 I&T 盛會

Welcome to InnoEx Exhibition, where you can join NineSmart to experience Asia’s leading innovative technology..

NineSmart於 InnoEx 香港國際創科展進行有關地產科技 PropTech的演講 - 立即觀看

Mr. Daniel Ngai, Business Development Manager of NineSmart, recently delivered a speech at the forum..

Smart Access 的最新功能及方案演示短片

Introducing the Latest Features and Solution Demo of Smart Access. NineSmart has released a new..


NineSmart and AUB join hands to integrate several AUB gates with the NineSmart system, allowing..

NineSmart 參與ViuTV的《智富通》的拍攝.相關集數可於我們的YouTube頻道上觀看!

NineSmart is honored to have participated in the filming of the renowned financial TV program..

NineSmart 獲《PCM》頒發IT Solution Excellence獎項

NineSmart is honored to have received the IT Solution Excellence award at the 14th Biz.IT..