DIY 一級方程式團隊建立活動
We hosted a memorable team building event last Friday called the DIY Formula 1 Team..
NineSmart成功舉辦的研討會 - 探討雲端和智能技術在地產科技的創新應用
The seminar titled “Speeding into Property Innovation: Powerful Cloud & Smart Technology” took place last..
介紹NineSmart Solution (NSS) 的最新功能及方案演示短片
NineSmart has released a new video showcasing the new features of our NineSmart Solution (NSS)...
強大雲端和智能技術 實現全方位智慧物業管理
Introduction The right prop-tech solutions help you replicate optimized workflows for growth. We all know..
物業科技解決方案供應商NineSmart推出Smart Residence智能住宅方案
NineSmart Limited is proud to announce the launch of Smart Residence, a contactless access and..